Aug 5, 2018
Tollefson Bros. Exteriors, Inc. has siding installers ready to help Burnsville, Minnesota residents with hail damaged siding repair as well as replacement of worn, dated or unattractive exterior siding. Our clients are thrilled with the results after choosing to go with an attractive, energy efficient, durable siding provided by the professionals at Tollefson Bros. Exteriors. Read Full Post
Jul 20, 2018
Following a severe hailstorm or strong wind event, the first thing to do is to make sure that everyone is okay. When it is safe to go outside, begin to assess the damages by looking for signs that your property has been hit by damaging hail. Round dents in cars and outdoor furniture or shredded plants are indications that this significant hail event may have also caused damages to your roof. The integrity of any roof, residential or commercial, is vital for preventing leaks Read Full Post
Jul 5, 2018
Of all the kinds of weather that can damage your home, wind may not be the first to come to mind when you are prompted to think about exterior damage. However, if you are in the middle of a powerful thunderstorm or a blizzard, wind is a huge part of the equation. Because wind is so unpredictable in terms of its direction and peak intensity, and therefore its potential for causing damage, it can cause significant damage to your roof, exterior siding, gutters and fascia. Read Full Post
Jun 30, 2018
The staff of Tollefson Bros. Exteriors, Inc. wants you to know that when the local forecast calls for strong storms that could damage your home, we are always here to help you with the repairs that you need. When storms do damage, especially those with hail, you are likely to respond with some anxiety and worry. When hail is in the forecast, it is natural to respond that way. The possibility of high winds and hail setting their sights on your home can mean extensive damage to the place that you call home. Read Full Post
May 20, 2018
A hail storm can come out of nowhere. You could have enjoyed a beautiful and sunny afternoon and then suddenly the storm clouds roll in. You expect a few claps of thunder and lightning strikes. While it may not occur often, hail can come down from the sky quickly and furiously and can cause serious damage to your home. Hail can seriously damage the shingles on your roof as well as your siding and gutters. Read Full Post
May 13, 2018
The crew of Tollefson Bros. Exteriors, Inc. has worked hard to build a reputation for being the best roofing contractor available in the area. With more than 25 years of experience, we have established an excellent reputation for both the quality of our work and the efforts we make to provide only the best possible customer service. We are licensed and bonded roofing contractor and have an A+ rating with the BBB since 2000 which should be an important aspect of your research into potential contractors. Read Full Post