Aug 24, 2018
Summers in Minnesota can be a great time to get out and explore all of the wonderful sights and sounds of nature, but the afternoon and evening storms this time of year can also be quite severe. In fact, it’s common to see high winds and strong storms that can produce not only heavy rain and lightning, but damaging hail as well. If you’ve recently experience a strong hailstorm and are worried that your roof may have been damaged, it’s best to call in Read Full Post
Aug 20, 2018
As we welcome winter this year, it’s time to start doing the usual around-the-house checkups to be sure everything is working well enough to get you through the winter. Windows and doors should be sealed tightly, insulation should be at the proper levels, heating systems should be working properly, and your roof should be in good enough condition to survive hail, ice, wind, and snow storms this season.Read Full Post
Aug 10, 2018
Who says working with a roofing company has to break the bank? While the majority of roofing companies are not as affordable as our team. At Tollefson Bros. Exteriors, Inc., takes pride in being a name you can trust at a price you can afford. In fact, this is what our roofing company is built off of and what has helped us develop our diverse clientele over the years. Read Full Post
Jul 31, 2018
Shingles are to houses what tires are to automobiles. Over time, both wear out, perform less efficiently, and need to be replaced. Most of us spend more time in our cars, so it may be more obvious to us that it’s time to replace our tires. We may not evaluate the shingles on our roof as often, but they are essential to protecting our home. Shingles keep snow, ice, and rain from damaging the framework of our homes. Tollefson Bros. Exteriors Inc. can perform Read Full Post
Jun 30, 2018
The staff of Tollefson Bros. Exteriors, Inc. wants you to know that when the local forecast calls for strong storms that could damage your home, we are always here to help you with the repairs that you need. When storms do damage, especially those with hail, you are likely to respond with some anxiety and worry. When hail is in the forecast, it is natural to respond that way. The possibility of high winds and hail setting their sights on your home can mean extensive damage to the place that you call home. Read Full Post
May 13, 2018
The crew of Tollefson Bros. Exteriors, Inc. has worked hard to build a reputation for being the best roofing contractor available in the area. With more than 25 years of experience, we have established an excellent reputation for both the quality of our work and the efforts we make to provide only the best possible customer service. We are licensed and bonded roofing contractor and have an A+ rating with the BBB since 2000 which should be an important aspect of your research into potential contractors. Read Full Post