Have you recently reached the difficult conclusion that it may be time to replace the roof on your home? Depending on the materials used, a roof can be expected to last between 20-30 years. Waiting too long to have it repaired or replaced can cause costly damage to...
The heavy snow and ice accumulation that builds up during the Bloomington, MN winter can really wear down a roof that may be old or damaged. Wet, compact snow and ice can add thousands of pounds to your roof. If your roof hasn’t been inspected in a while, there is no...
Tollefson Bros. Exteriors, Inc., is a trusted roofing contractor in the Bloomington, Richfield and Minneapolis area that specializes in repairing your roof on your home or business following a storm. Storms come without warning and can leave you with an immediate need...
As the ice and snow begins to wind down and the spring sunshine begins to peak its beautiful head out of the clouds, Bloomington, Minnesota is going to start to look and feel like spring! While spring brings many wonderful and beautiful things, it can also show a lot...
Homes are built to last, however there comes a time when your place of residence may need a facelift. If the exterior of your home needs some work, it is important to team up with a reliable contractor that has experience and is also affordable. Additionally, it takes...
Are you sick of pulling up into your driveway each day and not being satisfied with the way that the exterior of your home looks. You should be able to come home after a long day at work and have a smile appear on your face the minute you see your home. If you live in...