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Roofing Contractor Specializing in Storm Damage Repair MN

Roofing Contractor Specializing in Storm Damage Repair MN

Here in Minnesota, we are not strangers to severe weather. We know all too well the devastating results that may come as a result of a storm, whether it’s devastating high winds, damaging hail storms, lightning, or a raging tornado, we’ve seen it all. During the summer months we’ve been known to get some doozy wind and hail storms, so anything you can do to protect your home and family from Mother Nature’s wrath is a must! Read Full Post

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Hail Storm Damage Repair Contractor

Hail Storm Damage Repair Contractor

Hail damage is no joke when it happens to your property. Roofing shingles, gutters, siding, etc. can all be severely damaged from a single hail storm that can pop up out of nowhere and leave your home devastated. Dents, divots, chips and dings can quickly add up to big problems if you don’t get them repaired quickly before further damage is done. One call to Tollefson Bros. Exteriors can get your home or commercial property on the road to recovery quickly. Our storm damage contractors are insurance… Read Full Post

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Shingle Roof Replacement Near Bloomington, MN

Shingle Roof Replacement Near Bloomington, MN

Having a good, sturdy roof over your head is something that most Minnesotans take for granted. When your roof is showing signs of wear or has been damaged by a severe weather event, it is time to call in the roofing experts at Tollefson Bros. Exteriors Inc. to replace the old shingles with a high quality roofing system that is as attractive as it is effective. Our team can provide you with a free estimate on the time and cost to reshingle a roof using energy efficient roofing materials… Read Full Post

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Free Storm Damage Repair Assessment

Storms can bring lots of chaos when your home is affected. Not only is the storm itself a real stressor, but the physical and financial stress of cleaning up after a storm can be overwhelming. At Tollefson Bros. Exteriors, Inc., we want to be your sense of calm after the storm. If storm damage has occurred to your home, Tollefson Bros. Exteriors is here to help repair and restore your home back to pre-storm damage condition, or better. Read Full Post

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Twin Cities Home Hail Repair

It’s no surprise to homeowners that Mother Nature can be powerful. No one can prepare for or predict when a hail storm will hit. Your roof, which is the first line of defense against Mother Nature can surely take a beating during a hail storm. This can cause damage to the shingles on your roof. If a hail storm has recently hit your area and you are concerned that your roof may have gotten damaged during the hail storm, it is critical that you call hail repair professionals as soon as possible. Read Full Post

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Upgrade To High Efficiency Windows Before Winter

High Efficiency Window Installation Contractor MNEnergy efficient replacement windows can be a wonderful investment that pays off year after year in energy savings and enjoyment. Leaky, drafty windows can be one of the biggest contributors to high heating and cooling costs for Minnesota homeowners. Just thinking of all the wonderfully cooled air seeping out through inefficient windows on a hot, humid day is enough to make many families decide to look for cost saving relief.
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Hail Storm Assessment Contractor By Me

Summers in Minnesota can be a great time to get out and explore all of the wonderful sights and sounds of nature, but the afternoon and evening storms this time of year can also be quite severe. In fact, it’s common to see high winds and strong storms that can produce not only heavy rain and lightning, but damaging hail as well. If you’ve recently experience a strong hailstorm and are worried that your roof may have been damaged, it’s best to call in Read Full Post

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Roofing Contractor Bloomington MN | Minnesota Roof Replacement Contractor

Roofing Contractor Bloomington, MinnesotaAs we welcome winter this year, it’s time to start doing the usual around-the-house checkups to be sure everything is working well enough to get you through the winter. Windows and doors should be sealed tightly, insulation should be at the proper levels, heating systems should be working properly, and your roof should be in good enough condition to survive hail, ice, wind, and snow storms this season.Read Full Post

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