Storm Damage Home Inspection ChanhassenThis summer has brought some pretty powerful storms to the Chanhassen, MN area, especially recently. With heavy rain, strong winds, and even hail, your home has had to work hard to protect you from this unpredictable weather. There are times, however, that your home simply can’t hold up against Mother Nature. If you have noticed storm damage around your residence, it is important that you contact Chanhassen storm damage repair specialists immediately so that your damage does not get worse. A local company, Tollefson Bros. Exteriors, Inc. has the experience and knowledge to help get your home back to full health! Offering a free storm damage home inspection, you have nothing to lose by choosing our team!

Common Storm Home Damages

  • Hail Damages – Your roof is the most commonly damaged part of the home anytime there is hail involved. Hail can especially damage shingles. If a quick inspection isn’t done on your roof, you risk having to deal with a leaky roof. Siding damage as well as window damage are other types of damages that we see with hail, typically when wind is involved as well.
  • Wind Damages – High winds can cause a magnitude of damage to your home. Flying debris and branches that are thrown around your property can quickly cause damage if it comes into contact with your home. Commonly, siding can become damaged as well as windows and any screen doors that you may have on your property.
  • Other Storm Damages – Storm damage can occur year around, even in the winter time. Those heavy snowstorms in Chanhassen can cause lots of damage to your roof. The occasional tornado that hits this area can cause significant damage as well.

How Our Exterior Contractors can Help

  • Free Inspection – The minute you notice damage on your home, give our Chanhassen storm damage repair experts a call!
  • Document – A lot of insurance companies have storm damage coverage, so we understand how important it is to document everything. We make note of all damage found during the inspection.
  • Special Roof Attention – The roof is one of the most common areas where storm damage occurs. We will inspect every inch of your roof to ensure it is fully functioning.
  • Work With Your Adjuster – Our staff has no issue working directly with your insurance adjuster to make sure you get the best service and coverage available!

So, if your home has recently been damaged by a storm in Chanhassen, MN, contact Tollefson Bros. Exteriors, Inc. today! Give us a call at (952) 881-2218 to set up your free storm damage home inspection.