Insulation And Siding Experts In Bloomington MNIf you are in the marketplace for new siding on your Bloomington, MN home, consider the opportunity to upgrade your home’s insulation as well. A great method for improving your home’s comfort and energy efficiency is to add exterior wall thermal insulation. This process is most cost-effective when done at the same time siding is replaced.

Add Thermal Insulation To The Exterior Walls?

Excellent question, as many would ask, “why spend even more money?” It may take a few months or even a year or more (depending on the options you choose) to fully pay off the value of the added materials, however you will be able to feel the difference between having the added insulation versus not having it, right away. You will begin to notice a real difference in the utility expenses, saving you bundles of money in the long run.

Taking Control Of Temperature Swings

If you have ever walked through a home or business and noticed a temperature difference between one room and the next, or one place versus another, you know how frustrating this can be… especially if you are utilizing both spaces. Your home should be able to maintain a consistent temperature from space to space relatively easily. The main cause for this fluctuation in temperature is by a process called “thermal bridging” or spaces where insulation is inadequate and allows undesired outside air to travel through, to the interior space. An example of thermal bridging occurs at the joists or studs. Even though you might have adequate insulation between the studs, heat flow can still move via thermal bridging through the studs. Anywhere where there is a break in the insulation, thermal bridging can occur.

Reduced Drafts In Your Home

By upgrading siding and increasing or adding exterior thermal insulation, you reduce or eliminate air motion (drafts) within the walls of your home or business. If not done properly, moisture is trapped within the walls, which leads to mold growth, health complications, and potentially thousands of dollars spent in mold remediation.

Insulation And Siding Experts In Bloomington MN

Take the opportunity though to improve comfort and energy efficiency to your home by also upgrading or adding thermal insulation to the exterior walls, when having your siding replaced. With over 25 years of experience, the exterior professionals at Tollefson Bros Exteriors stand ready to advise you, see you through the purchase, and perform the installation of your next exterior upgrade project. Call (952) 881-2218 or fill out the online contact form to schedule a consultation today