Hail Damage Repair Bloomington MN

If you live in Bloomington, MN and were home last night, there is no doubt you heard it, saw it and cringed at it… The hail falling from the sky, nearly the size of a golf ball. Your first thought may be “My Car?!” or maybe your just thankful you actually put your car...

Hail Damage Contractor Near Me

Hail damage is not one of those weather events that you can prepare for. Mother nature doesn’t always give warning before a hailstorm hits the Bloomington, Richfield or Minneapolis, MN areas. There’s nothing that you can cover your home up with to prevent hail damage....

Storm Damage Minneapolis, MN

Shew! What a winter! If you live in Minneapolis, MN, We’re sure you have gotten that dreadful shovel out once or twice. If you are dealing with harsh weather conditions like the rest of us homeowners, you may have received a significant amount of storm damage this...

Understanding R-Value Insulation

To insulate a home or building means that you have decided to further invest in the property, making its price value go up and the utility bills go down. In Minnesota, having a home that is well insulated can mean a world of difference come summer and winter. Without...

Hail Damage Home Repair Bloomington MN

Storms in the Minnesota area form quickly and often come without warning.  Hail, snowstorms, ice, wind, and heavy rain can cause significant damage to your home’s roof, gutters and exterior siding.  Tollefson Bros. Exteriors Inc. specializes in hail storm damage...